Failed Prophecies, Aliens , and The Art of Drawing

The moon that is just a rare celestial (and grand) celestial event, but it scare little kids and pets worldwide

Hola! (Hello in Spanish)

September 27th, 2015 was the day that the rare event of a super moon and a lunar eclipse happen. the planet has seen such event back in 1982, when the internet was still a novelty. We won’t see this until 2033, when we get apparently internet chips in our brains or something. Sure some people in the weird but darkly fun part of the internet say this was the “Blood Moon Prophecy” which was mention in the Bible from what I can gather about four lunar eclipses and a solar eclipse that will signal the end of times. Well, apparently it was wrong and we are alive. Or if the liquid water evidence recently found on Mars means that intelligent aliens are gonna attacks us and we have to fight them in a Evangelion-like fashion, then the those cultists and doom speakers online were actually right for once. But that’s not gonna happen as realistically, we might find microbial life. Don’t get your hopes up.

This tool saves lives

Seeing that beautiful lunar eclipse super moon at 10:40 pm that night was really something, something that looks it perfect to think  draw it. Yeah, I’m a artist, a cartoonist to be specifically.  I have been getting back into drawing lately after I have stalled this hobby for three weeks for some reason. But, I have to say, that drawing is one of the closest things that real life has to being God in some ways, with writing, and creating music coming close. It’s very relaxing, especially if you are mad after a flame war about some trivial topic like anime dubs with dumb or ignorant people fighting “smobs”( a portmanteau of smart and snob) or pseudo-intellectuals, with the calm and respectable people being hard to find in such happenings. Whatever, drawing is really awesome as it lets you creates literally infinite ideas with strokes of your #2 pencil. It also gives this feeling of achievement after spending 2 hours trying to get you art just right and not underwhelming cause you can do better, even if you say no. This quote from somewhere in the continent of Africa summarizes the feeling of doing practicing and achieving awesomeness.

“If you wish to move mountains, start by lifting stones today.”

Art (in general) is also a great expressing tool. See, if you feel any emotion you want to express, just pick a pencil, brush, clay, or musical instrument  and let your thoughts fly and dance as you feel better ’cause  of it.

さようなら Sayoonara (formal way to say bye in Japanese)

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