How role-playing like some in Guatemala taught me about friendship and loneliness

On Thursday and Friday, my class went to a place called Heifer Farm run by Heifer International. This particular group is a charity organization that instead of donating cans of cans and rice, you donate animals and education for them. The goal of Heifer is to end poverty and world hunger while being helpful to the earth. They gave helped more than 12 million people since their foundation in 1947.

The Logo

Because Heifer wants people to be sweet angels and not selfish jerks, they spread their message to the world. One of these ways is the Heifer farm, in Rutland, Massachusetts. Here you get to stay in one of the lovely recreations of the houses they have on the farm.
My group stayed in a houses representing Guatemala. It was a one room houses with a rocky floor and no heat nor light. The room itself wasn’t spacious and the beds were too crowded to each other. So us 5 has to slept in this house for one night at below freezing temperatures. We also have to cook our own food too, but it was outside. Let me tell you one thing about fire making, the wind is an even jerk than your bully next door. And the floor was wet so it made it worst. The fire took 3 hours to make and the food we got wasn’t that tasty, but it did get the work done, as we were hungry.

The experience at Heifer maybe at tad uncomfortable but it was fun at the same time. Inhere, the strangers actually talk to other people. Our humble group of six talk about random stuff like shows we watch, theoretical physics, school, our home countries, and the trip in general. Sure I was still the most quiet person, as usual but I did enjoyed myself with my group or should I say family. I was a mother who have a water balloon, yes a water balloon. I gotta say that i did a decent job with him. His name was Smelly Jr. Ugly name that is named after a vendor in the make-believe market where we bought our food. Yeah, they tried to recreate the feeling of living like someone in a developing nation. The role-playing aspect even went a far as only one person could read in the house, so one girl pretty much rule the entire home. But she was cool.

After all of this, we went home to our lives but the experience is still in my mind and heart. I haven’t felt been part of a group this close in a while. It felt like my actions did help people and i felt so good for that. See I have self-esteem issues that sometimes my mind tells me  that I’m useless to anyone else and should be drifted away. Maybe this is why I  tend to be so lonely and shy That’s why I want to help people, so that feelings could be kept at bay. Now those feelings are still in the harbor, but they are waiting to leave out to the open sea.

This whole trip really gave me a feeling of warmth and friendship and belonging from strangers  that in my experience rarely happens. I realize how important is to be with a group, that no one should be alone, only getting some warmth and them been left alone again. Humans need one another to thrive and survive. Sure, you don’t need to be party animal, but we need to work together to do process. That’s how humanity managed to pwned all animals on the planet.

Every human plays a role in this world, but we still deserve  our own happiness, without at the expense of others because that will disrupt the balance in this world. Like a great anime say, “All is one and one is All” 

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